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६ दिसंबर को एन. एस. ई कार्यालय मुंबईमे मीटींग समाप्त हो गयी है।

कॉन्ट्रॅक्ट कर्मचारीयों के वेतन वृध्दि संबंध में चर्चा एन.एस.ई. कार्यालय मुंबई में ६ दिसंबर दोपहर १२ बजे आयोजित समयानु्सार संपन्न हो गई। देहरादून के वरिष्ठ मॅनेजर्स की टिम और जनरल कामगार संघटनाके पदाधिकारियोके के बिच मांगोपर विचार विमर्श के बाद अगली मिटिंग दिसंबर अंत अथवा जनवरी मे होगी ।

Charter of demand for contractual employees (On-Shore & Offshore) in Mumbai region.



> Long pending cases pertaining to financial assistance' from "Sahayog Trust".
> Proceeding on hunger strike within fourteen days (14) of issuance of this letter in Uran Plant towards non payment of MOU wages.
> Inordinate, Painfully slow Internet speed in offshore installation causing immense inconvenience for the past two years.
> RWA committee hand in gloves with contractual security guards is mushrooming illegal activities in D N Nagar Colony.
>  Appeal for financial assistance from ONGC SAHAYOG TRUST against medical expenditure.
> Blatant illegal practices in Helibase Canteen, causing immense inconvenience to officials as surfaced bellow.
> Appeal for accepting Instrument Mechanic (Chemical Plant) as eligible qualification for the post of JAT(Rigman).
> Appeal to deduct one day basic salary contributing to PRIME minister Relief Fund for the cause of Uttarakhand.
> Conversion of the under mention post in ONGC in reference to the justification given below. (AT -Boiler Jr. Asst Steno.)
> Conversion of pos of AT(Boiler) A-II to JAT (Boiler) A-I.
> Withdrawing of hunger strike notice.
> Proceeding on hunger strike on all offshore and onshore installations in WOU, shortly followed by fast till death, till such time all departmental candidates of WOUare regularized.
> Deep freezer in BHS Platform.
> Request to withheld security deposit in view to nonpayment of wages towards paid leave by "M/sTops Security Ltd".
> Uncontrolled, violent outburst and brutal attack by locals on departmental candidates coming beyond the boundaries of Assam.
> Training to departmental candidates in RTI, panvel.
> Request to withheld Security deposit money of "M/s.Ashwathi Power Control" and to be black listed for engaging himself in multiple malpractices.
> Flouting of statutory conditions in maintenance contract awarded to "M/s. Sumeet Facilities" in Vidyavihar colony, ONGC.
> Appeal tor reconsider application for financial assistance through ONGC Sahayog Trust (Medicalcases).
> Appeal tor reconsider application for financial assistance through ONGC Sahayog Trust (Medicalcases).
> Proceeding on hunger strike within 15 days of issuance of the letter in Rig Sagar Ratna.
> Non availability of hot water in living quarter at SHQ platform.
> Medical assistance to dependents of employees who die while in service.
> Recruitment of Pravin Patel w.e.f. 20.02.2004.
> Non availability of hot water in NQO platform for more than seven months.
> Adhoc payment to contractual employees to the tune of Rs. 10000/- per month w.e.f. Jan, 2008.
> Inordinate delay in implementing new PRBS, having mutually agreed by all recognised collectives and ASTO is gathering a feeling of being betrayed and cheated by retired and retiring employees.
> Non payment of MOU wages in Uran Plant by the under mentioned contractors.
> Revamping of Union office allotted to ONGC(BOP) Karmachari Sanghatna in Dronagiri Bhavan, Uran.
> Non payment of MOU wages to the listed canteen employees in Uran..
> Unwarranted attitude of Mr. V.M. Sharma, CE (P) in WIN Platform.
> Nonpayment of wages for the month of January 2013 till date by M/S Tops Security.
> Extending check fare facility to Marine Security Supervisor (TERM BASED) personal posted in offshore performing ON/OFF duty, or Quarters in Panvel colony.
> Issue of Identity Cards to Tenure employees as per Specimen attached.
> Deployment of AMEs (Aircraft Maintenance Engineers) in offshore installation by PHHL.
> Equal and fair opportunity for paramedics (Pharmacists) for Regularization.
> Recruitment of Departmental candidates in line with laid down policies in MRPR-198O.
> Karmachari Sanghatana Strike notice.
> General Kamgar Sanghatan Strike notice.
> IPSHEM, accountability diluted fast becoming a notoriety hub.
> Accommodation be allowed to new recruities in Guest House.
> Request for helping Boiler Operators (DE) to prepare for their interview against regular Vacancy.
> Non-payment of monthly wages on the stipulated date by "M/s. Tops Security" to their Employees. (Security Guards)
> Pending contractual employees wage revisions, kindly consider Adhoc payment.

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